Information Literacy and Advocacy: narrowing knowledge gap at ULAB - 6 July 2013

BALID Institute of Information Management (BIIM), a sister concern of Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) organized a lecture series on Information Literacy and Advocacy: narrowing knowledge gap in collaboration with University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) during 6 July 2013. Professor Jahirul Haque, Pro Vice Chancellor of ULAB inaugurated the lecture session as chief guest where Mr. Mahmud Hassan, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Communication, GoB and Mr. Kazi Ali Reza, Officer-in-Charge, UNIC Dhaka spoke as special guest. Mr. Mirza Mohd. Rezaul Islam, Chairman, BALID & BIIM chair the session. Mr. Kazi Ali Reza. OIC, UNIC Dhaka, Minhaj Uddin Ahmed, Director (Technical), Centre for Information Studies, Bangladesh (CIS,B), Prof. PhD M. Mezbah-ul-Islam, ISLM, DU, M. Moniruzzaman, KMO, UNIC Dhaka were the resource person at the session. Dr. Md. Nazim Uddin, Senior Manager, ICDDR,B Library and Information Service Section moderated the program.